Those of you who have traveled with me in the past know that I have several "game" cameras (those that automatically take photos when triggered by motion) that give me a hint as to what goes on when no one's around. We've been here in Ohio 2 months, and yesterday I finally dragged out my cameras and mounted 2 of them on trees close to my deer-feeding area.
This one captured me at 7:04 this morning... it was 46 degrees F. I had put the cameras out yesterday and last night was my first sightings. Here, I'm carrying a bucket of sweatmix (horse feed) to replenish the feed box. I have clean memory cards in my pocket to trade out the two cameras that saw action during the night.
I cropped this one... the date and time on this camera are wrong anyway, but I think I put the cameras up in mid-afternoon. I'm guessing it was early evening that this buck stopped by. Look at his antlers... velvety... beautifully formed. He has a long way to grow until November so by then he should have a very respectable rack.
During the night we had another visitor. This buck is older... his rack is quite impressive even now, just at the end of May.
It appears these 2 guys are traveling together....
There is no competition for the ladies at this time. The does are busy with their new-born fawns about now and it may be a few weeks before we see any females at the feeding area.
Probably the buck saw the red light on the camera as it recorded his photo.... but it's pretty obvious that he's noticed something unusual going on.
Although there is a State Park just across the road from our farm, we do not allow hunting on our property. I'll never forget the time, years ago when we still lived here, I came home from work and there were hunter's vehicles lines up along the road leading to our house. I pulled into our driveway and there were 13 deer herded up in our field just below the barn. Guess they were waiting out the barrage of gunshots before they ventured back into the woods.
So, yes, we feed the birds here.... and we also feed the deer. We really enjoy watching them when we get the chance. Who needs a TV when we have great entertainment right outside our windows?
The End!
That's All For Today!