We drove the rig into Granbury yesterday morning... You can see snow on top of these huge hay bales. There wasn't any accumulation, mostly just patches of snow on leaves or other vegetation.
We drove the rig into Granbury yesterday... we use more propane when the temps are low.
They put 11.9 gallons of LP in the 17 gallon tank... but 14 gallons is the maximum you can fill it with. However, the last fill-up was on December 16, 2011, so that's not bad. Propane here is $3.10 a gallon. Gasoline was $3.43 a gallon....
We also use a lot more bird seed when the temps are low. I have 4 feeders just a few feet from our rig. I've had my motion sensor camera set up to catch the activity and am amazed at some of the shots it captures.
When I first looked at this one, I thought I had a Cooper's or Sharp-shinned hawk ready to swoop down for a birdy snack. And I wondered why those goldfinch weren't flying away. A closer look made me realize that it was just another goldfinch... but the angle and depth perception to the camera was deceiving.
We have some other visitors to the feeders....
This acrobatic squirrel just wouldn't give up. He made several attempts to climp up that skinny, wrought iron post... sliding down, climbing up.... Finally he did manage to get high enough to jump onto the bird feeder. I don't know why he bothered... there is enough seed on the ground to feed a whole herd of squirrels.
The weather today is wet, foggy and gloomy. But at 43 degrees at 9am that isn't too bad. I wrote earlier in this that we left Ohio partly to get out of the snow zone. Well... here is an except from a daily log I keep:
May 3, 2001
After 3 days and nights on a ferry, we landed in Skagway on Monday PM. We drove through Whitehorse and Yukon. I had a reaction to the transderm (motion sickness meds) and I've been sick 3 days on land. We drove to Tok... spent night at Moose Creek. Weather turned bad... it takes us 3 hours to drive the 30 miles to Anchorage. We stay at Potter Creek for 3 days because the road on down to the Kenai is closed to traffic. The huge overhead "road conditions" signs are turned off for the season as this snow/ice storm is unexpected. Even the toll-free number for weather conditions now has a recording..."thanks for visiting Alaska, have a great summer"
And we did!
So... neither snow nor rain nor gloom of night will keep a true RVer from enjoying every minute of their latest adventure.
That's All for Today....
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